Gaetano (Tim) Fida WB0YSX

Mr. Fida served as IT Manager for a large medical systems developer in Stillwater, Minnesota for several years.

His responsibilities included presenting a program of training seminars to neurologists and their staff throughout the US & Canada,

in the use of FDA-approved computerized equipment for clinical drug trials.

Since 1994, he has been an independent IT consultant.

In 2000, he was an IT consultant for the mega-merger between Wells Fargo and Norwest Banks.

As an IT consultant, he has also conducted numerous in-house educational seminars for small and mid-sized companies.

For the past several years, Mr. Fida, owner of "Net Surgeons" has created and maintained networks and provided the computer needs of businesses in the state of Florida.

He specializes in medical IT; providing electronic medical records programs, paperless environments and acting as liaison between the medical software companies and prominent medical practices.

He is past vice-president of The Spring Hill Amateur Radio Club, a member of Infragard and holder of numerous certifications, not limited to Novell, Microsoft and Brainbench.

His hobbies range from enjoying the privileges of the Amateur Radio Advanced Class License to piloting an occasional aircraft to enjoying the satisfaction of lending a helping hand to those of need.


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