Ham Radio Links

Some of the sites that our members enjoy.

(Please note that these links will open in a new window)


Instructional Sites

LED Information  Like to build stuff with LEDs? Use this calculator!
Propagation Information  ARRL Current HF Propagation Charts
1 X 1 Call Signs




Government Sites

Good-bye old friend  IRCs are no more!
LIcense Search  From the FCC Web Site
Enforcement Actions  FCC Enforcement Actions
Centers for Disease Control  Hurricane  Preparedness Information

Old Favorites

Ham Universe (Everything HAM)
HAM Radio Software   (Ronnie Cohen's Site)
Live Feed From ISS
Space Weather If you work HF you need to read this site.
Spacew.com Real-time MUF Map.
HF Radio MUF Table (Maximum usable frequency)
ISS Tracking Real-time tracking of the space station.
Building a Triode  This video is too cool for words, must see!

North Florida Section

AR Newsline Audio and text news about amateur radio.
eHam Very well put together website all about our hobby
FCC The Official FCC Site
QRZ The defacto standard for quick call book lookups.
QTH Web hosting for ham radio sites
Vacuumtubes.net How Vacuum tubes work, a MUST Read
History of the Telegraph Everything you need to know!
DX Watch DX watch list.
radioblvd.com Old radio website
AA9PW Online Morse Code Practice
Curiousinventor.com Surface Mount Soldering Demonstration.
Microphone Site Everything mic related.
DX Code of Conduct Let's all play by the rules!

* We get dozens of link requests a month, please understand that we are not looking for new links at this time.
Maps Google.com  Google maps that we use to direct you to our meetings.


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