Mail sent to the reflector gets sent to all member subscribers. Use the reflector to ask questions, post a classified ad etc. To join the reflector, send an email to:
Dave Haney, W3SJ at and let him know what email address you wish the list to be sent.. Also let Dave know if you have any questions about the reflector.
You can follow club activities by following the club on twitter. Our twitter user name is @SpringHillARC
Our twitter feed will highlight breaking news items and upcoming club activities!
We take the privacy of our users seriously. The main site, ( does not collect any personal information, except your user name and password if you are a forum member. No user information is stored on our servers apart from the IP address and the time you visited (all web sites keep this information) We never sell or disclose user log information or email addresses unless required by law. If you have any questions please email the webmaster.